Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Amaokpala Lake in Anambra State

Amaokpala Lake
Amaokpala is one of the towns that make up Orumba North Local Government Area of Anambra State. The community is blessed with a Lake called Iyi ocha. This Iyi ocha is the popular Amaokpala Lake. The name Iyi means water and Ocha means neat/clean. The water is so neat that one can see the floor of the lake. According to its name, it abhors any form of dirt in it. The Lake flows free and empties in the popular Odo River. It is geographical coordinates read: Latitude -6.066940 and Longitude-7.1064.

Amaokpala Lake

Interactive session with Mr Okeke Boniface chief priest of Amaokpala Lake

The Lake has socio-cultural and socio-economic value to the people. The deity in charge of the Lake is feed by a chief Priest who must come from the royal lineage. This was attributed to the fact that it was the family of the King of Amaokpala that first received the stranger that brought the lake from his beard. The history surrounding the source of the lake is worthy of study. Secondly, the lake is filled with fishes and the Amaokpala people have been fishing in the Lake.
Students of Federal Polytechnic Oko, Anambra State frequent the Lake because of its proximity to their institution. It has been a centre of picnic and site seeing. It does not have crocodile but one can get drown in the Lake if he/she does not know how to swim, so swimming is encouraged if one is good at it because the Lake is yet to be developed there are no divers for rescue operation if one gets missing but the Lake is a beautiful sight to behold with alluring green vegetation surrounding it. The community members help to keep it by only using a designated section of the lake for washing their edible like bread fruit (Ukwa), bitter leaf (Onubu), cassava (Akpu), etc.
A.      Why is Amaokpala Lake undeveloped till now?
B.      Can Public Private Partnership assist in its development?
C.      What is the community view about the status of the Lake?
D.      Is Nigeria Tourism Development Corporation aware of this beautiful Lake?

E.       What is the effort of Anambra state government on this Lake so far?

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Ogbunike Cave

Ogbunike Cave (Ogba Ogbunike) is one of the caves in Anambra State. It is 16km away from Onitsha, 18km from Awka and Nnewi respectively. It is located on the surface of the earth with Latitude  6.182583 and Longitude 6.9071. The cave served as a hideout for the people of the community during the Nigeria Biafra War. One of the animals associated with the cave is bat (Chiroptera). The cave gushes out water from different holes or opening on the body of the cave. The water from the cave is believed to be sacred.

It is worthy to note that the cave have drawn the attention of UNESCO and is being considered to be a world heritage in due course. The past and present administrations in Anambra state are making concerted effort in making the heritage a world class tourist haven.

The cave has over 300 stair case that will lead a visitor down to its location with tour guides available to guide the visitor. The environment is filled with alluring greenish scenic view. This has being maintained over the years due to community effort.

It is a place for relaxation and recreation. It has the potential for movie making, praying ground, movie shooting etc.

Unfortunately, these cave is facing defacement as a result of activities of visitors and tourists. Broken bowls and items of sacrifice are scattered around the cave environment.


Given its yeas of existence and popular, can government lease these attraction out for development?

What are the challenges affecting the development of this cave? 

One of entrance to Ogbunike Cave

Counting the stair case leading to Ogbunike Cave

Defacement in Ogbunike Cave.

Source: Odum C.J. 2017.


We are pleased to inform you about the following opportunity......

The Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism Administration at California State University, Sacramento, is pleased to announce our faculty search for a tenure-track appointment in Hospitality and Tourism Management. This is a position at the Assistant Professor rank beginning fall 2018.   
Education: Ph.D. (or comparable degree). At a minimum, an applicant must have at least one degree at the master’s or doctoral level in Hospitality, Tourism, or a closely related field. Individuals who are verified ABD at the time of application, will be considered. Evidence must be given that the degree will be finished within one year of appointment.
Teaching Experience: Applicants should demonstrate ability to teach one or more of the following areas: organizational behavior in hospitality, hospitality and tourism sales, introductory hospitality law, travel industry management, restaurant management, and strategic management in hospitality and tourism Demonstrate ability to teach introductory courses in tourism, including the social science aspects of tourism
Professional Experience: Applicants should show evidence of having the equivalent of at least two years full-time experience (or the equivalent in part-time employment) working in hospitality or a closely related field within the last ten years. (A candidate with less industry experience may be considered if the applicant can show evidence of extensive teaching, student advising, and course development in the area of hospitality and/or tourism management.)
For complete requirements, deadlines, and application procedures, please visit the Sacramento State jobs website
Initial application review starts October 13th, 2017.
Additional Employment Opportunities: The Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration at California State University, Sacramento also has the following tenure-track searches:
  • Assistant Professor – Recreation Therapy (currently posted)
  • Assistant Professor – Recreation Generalist/Outdoor Recreation (not yet posted on the university website – should be updated soon)

6th QATEM Workshop

Second Announcement
6th QATEM Workshop
Quantitative Approaches in Tourism Economics and Management
14th-16th June 2018
Punaauia, Tahiti
French Polynesia
QATEM 2018 is the sixth event under a workshop series on Quantitative Approaches in Tourism Economics and Management. The workshop/conference is co-organized and supported by University of French Polynesia (GDI, EA 4240), University of Valenciennes (IDP, EA 1384), University of Perpignan (CRESEM, EA 7397) and the International Association for Tourism Economics (IATE). It will be held in Punaauia (Tahiti, French Polynesia) on Thursday 14, Friday 15 and Saturday 16 June 2018. By focusing on the theme of quantitative approaches in tourism economics and management, QATEM 2018 will provide an opportunity for gathering, analyzing, and debating state-of-the-art academic research in this recent field of economic and management sciences. The scientific committee would welcome submissions on both parametric and non-parametric approaches. Theoretical contributions are also encouraged.

December 15, 2017: Deadline for full papers or extended abstract Submission
January 15, 2018: Deadline for Acceptance/rejection Notice
April 15, 2018: Deadline of registration and payment of registration fee
June 14-16, 2016: Conference in Punaauia

Venue & Accommodation: University of French Polynesia
For booking accommodations, see or visit the website of the Manava Hotel or Intercontinental Hotel (closest of the University)
Transfers available on own arrangements from the international airport ( Rates: 3000XPF

Previsionnal Program:
Thursday 14th 2017: Opening conference and welcome drink (UPF)
Friday 15th 2017: Sessions, closing conference and gala diner
Saturday 16th 2017: Social event (visit of the Morea Island with Captain Taina, at your own expenses)

Scientific committee:
Laurent Botti (University of Perpignan, France), Sauveur Giannoni (University of Corsica, France), Yasuo Ohe (Chiba University, Japan), Sylvain Petit (University of French Polynesia and University of Valenciennes, France), Nicolas Peypoch (University of Perpignan, France), Andrea Saayman (North-West University, South Africa) Bernardin Solonandrasana (University of Perpignan, France).

Publication: Selected papers from papers presented at QATEM 2018 will be published as ‘Special Focus’ in Tourism Economics.

Registration fees: The workshop fee includes welcome drink, conference registration, coffee-breaks, lunch and official dinner. Standard fee: 200 Euro, PhD student fee: 120 Euro

Submission guideline: Authors are requested to submit an electronic copy of their manuscript (full paper or extended abstract) with pdf file by email. Submissions should be addressed to and

For submission guidelines please follow the link of Tourism Economics, submission guidelines:

More information at
Workshop Organizer: Sylvain Petit (University of French Polynesia) and Nicolas Peypoch (University of Perpignan)
Local Contact: Sylvain Petit; E-mail:; Tel : (+689) 40-86-64-32 or 87-79-32-40 (GMT -10:00)
Sylvain PETIT
Maître de conférences en Sciences économiques
Tél.: (+689) (+689) 40 86 64 32  ou 87-79-32-40 (GMT -10:00) –
B.P. 6570 - 98702 Faa’a - Tahiti - Polynésie française

American Association of Geographers 2018

Given the present circumstance in the tourism world......the following body is organizing....
AAG (American Association of Geographers) conference, April 2018 in New Orleans, Prof. Michael Clancy and I are organising a strand.  It's prompted by the anti-tourism protests that have been widely reported over the Summer. Case studies looking in details at specific instances, or more general analyses, would be very welcome. Please pass this on as appropriate.

see: and also below for strand details

Title:  The dynamics of anti-tourism

Description: In 2017 activists in several venues (Barcelona, Venice, Palma de Mallorca, Amsterdam, Bhutan, Dubrovnik, to name a few) launched local campaigns against tourists and tourism. In August, UNWTO Secretary General Taleb Rifai called the rise in anti-tourist sentiment is “a very serious situation that needs to be addressed in a serious way.”

What is behind these actions and how do we best understand them? Are they simply a reaction to perceived ‘overtourism’ (a term widely adopted in the media this year)? Do they imply a disillusionment with, or critique of, mass tourism’s cultural influence? Are they best understood as criticism of certain types of tourism – cruise tourists, casinos, mega-events? Do the very diverse forms of anti-tourism contain a common thread? Are they motivated by a desire for resources, recognition, growth or de-growth?

While some attention has been given to opposition to specific forms of tourism (Boykoff, 2011; Briassoulis, 2011; Cox, 1993) we need a deeper understanding of the various forms and manifestations of anti-tourism as well as the impact such movements have. This session seeks papers that address opposition to tourism of all kinds, which might include:

• Reactions to perceived ‘overtourism’
• Anti-tourism and cultural identity
• Controversies over resource use: tourism and recreation versus other uses
• Disputes among tourists over access and predominant forms of tourism within a given site (e.g. backpacker tourists vs. coach tourists)
• Opposition to specific types of tourism development: casinos, cruise tourism, the Olympic games, sex tourism
• Anti-tourism as a new social movement
• Historical evolution of anti-tourism
• The impact of anti-tourism movements on tourism destinations
• Tourism and the ‘right to the city’

Boykoff, J. (2011). The Anti-Olympics. New Left Review, (67), 41–59.
Briassoulis, H. (2011). Opposition to golf-related tourism development: an interpretivist analysis of an online petition. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19(6), 673–693.
Cox, T. R. (1993). Before the casino: James G. Scrugham, state parks, and Nevada’s quest for tourism. Western Historical Quarterly, 24(3), 332.

Michael Clancy
University of Hartford
Jim Butcher
Canterbury Christ Church University

TTRA 2018 International Conference

Save the Date:
·       Academic Program
·       Student Symposium
·       Qualitative Methods Workshop

Submission details available shortly.

We look forward to seeing you in Florida !

Dr. Jonathon Day
Associate Professor
Hospitality and Tourism Management
Purdue Tourism and Hospitality Research Center
College of Health and Human Science

Phone  765 496 2084
Mobile 765 337 7270