Monday, January 18, 2021

Multidisciplinary Conference

 Department of Archaeology and Tourism

Faculty of Arts

University of Nigeria, Nsukka

1st Multidisciplinary International Conference (Maiden Edition)

Theme: Multi-disciplinary Research in the 21st Century: Planning for the

Present and Future

Date: 9th -12th May 2021

Venue: Department of Archaeology & Tourism, University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Call for Papers

Multidisciplinary research is en-vogue because of the realization that no discipline

has all the answers to all human and developmental problems. Multidisciplinary

research provides opportunities to tackle academic and societal issues from diverse

and interrelated perspectives. Multidisciplinary studies are expected to provide

solutions beyond the borders of any single discipline on problem(s) or issue(s).

Examples include contributions of the health sciences to pandemics (i.e. COVID-

19), or the interrogation of civil unrest and human rights violations by social

scientists. Understanding complex phenomena from multidisciplinary perspectives

is germane in solving societal and developmental issues. As such, the research

outcomes from such collaborations will be beneficial to multi-disciplines, nonacademic

sectors, and most importantly, influence policies that will improve our


The Organizing Committee welcomes submissions relevant to the conference

theme 'Multi-disciplinary Research in the 21st Century: Planning for the Present

and Future'. Papers in other areas related to tourism, governance, education,

religion, heritage, and hospitality management are also welcomed. The sub-themes

for the conference include, but not limited to:


Interdisciplinary studies on:

 The dynamics of pandemics (i.e. COVID-19)

 Humanitarian crisis (i.e. Police brutality)

 Climate Change: Adaption, Mitigation and Resilience

 Tourism and Archaeology

 Environmental Management

 History and International Relations

 Governance and Public Administration

 Gender and Equity

 Feminism

 Humanities and Change

 Religion and Cultural Studies/Religious crisis

 Peace and Conflict

 Entrepreneurship

 Governance and Leadership

 Security and Safety Issues

 Human/Cultural Resources management

 Education and development

 Economy, poverty and inequality

 Rural and urban development

 Legal issues and policies

 Public Health

Presenters/Authors Guidelines

Papers should state clearly the following- Background/statement of the

problem(s), objectives, methods, findings, discussions and implications of the

paper. Two hundred (200) words abstract should be submitted to the conference

email ( on or before 5th March, 2021.

Presentation format


Author(s) should make a power point slides (maximum of fifteen) to be presented

in 15 minutes. Questions and answers will be moderated at the end of each session

by a session chair.

Virtual Presentation

Virtual presentations will be held in all sessions of the conference with a maximum

of 10 minutes for presenters. Audio-visual slides should reach the LOC two (2)

weeks before the conference.


Local Participants: N10, 000. 00

Foreign Participants: $100.00

Account Details:

Bank: Fidelity Bank

A/C Name: Archaeology and Tourism Conference

A/C No.: 5700043240

For inquiries, please contact:

Dr. E.E. Okonkwo

Head Department of Archaeology and Tourism

Tel: +234 (0) 803 810 3599


Dr. C. J. Odum

Chairman, Local Organizing Committee

Tel: +234 (0) 803 947 3427

Email: or

Mr. S.J. Onyemechalu

Sectary, Local Organizing Committee

Tel: +234 (0) 908 254 3953
