Thursday, September 14, 2017

Lecturing Opportunity

We are happy to inform you about.....this

Our colleagues from Nicosia, Cyprus at CASA COLLEGE, asked me to inform you that they look for potential lectures in the Field of Cruise Tourism to come and teach at their college on a short-term contract basis.
Following are the relevant course titles:
  1. Introduction to the Cruise Ship industry
  2. Safety, Security, Sanitation and Hygiene I, II
  3. Event Planning, Animation & Cruise Operation
  4. Case studies in Cruise Operations
  5. The Business & Management of Ocean Cruise Ships
Potential Lecturers must hold a PhD.
For further information please contact directly Mrs. Trisvei, Hotel Administration Program Coordinator at or
Best regards,

Professor Yoel Mansfeld (PhD) - HeadCenter for Tourism Pilgrimage & Recreation Research
Program LeaderM.A. in Tourism Planning & Development, Department of Geography &
Environmental Studies, University of Haifa, Israel. Email:
Mobile: +972-54-3933083; Office: +972-4-8249606; Skype: yoelmansfeld; FB: Yoel Mansfeld

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