Thursday, October 5, 2017

6th QATEM Workshop

Second Announcement
6th QATEM Workshop
Quantitative Approaches in Tourism Economics and Management
14th-16th June 2018
Punaauia, Tahiti
French Polynesia
QATEM 2018 is the sixth event under a workshop series on Quantitative Approaches in Tourism Economics and Management. The workshop/conference is co-organized and supported by University of French Polynesia (GDI, EA 4240), University of Valenciennes (IDP, EA 1384), University of Perpignan (CRESEM, EA 7397) and the International Association for Tourism Economics (IATE). It will be held in Punaauia (Tahiti, French Polynesia) on Thursday 14, Friday 15 and Saturday 16 June 2018. By focusing on the theme of quantitative approaches in tourism economics and management, QATEM 2018 will provide an opportunity for gathering, analyzing, and debating state-of-the-art academic research in this recent field of economic and management sciences. The scientific committee would welcome submissions on both parametric and non-parametric approaches. Theoretical contributions are also encouraged.

December 15, 2017: Deadline for full papers or extended abstract Submission
January 15, 2018: Deadline for Acceptance/rejection Notice
April 15, 2018: Deadline of registration and payment of registration fee
June 14-16, 2016: Conference in Punaauia

Venue & Accommodation: University of French Polynesia
For booking accommodations, see or visit the website of the Manava Hotel or Intercontinental Hotel (closest of the University)
Transfers available on own arrangements from the international airport ( Rates: 3000XPF

Previsionnal Program:
Thursday 14th 2017: Opening conference and welcome drink (UPF)
Friday 15th 2017: Sessions, closing conference and gala diner
Saturday 16th 2017: Social event (visit of the Morea Island with Captain Taina, at your own expenses)

Scientific committee:
Laurent Botti (University of Perpignan, France), Sauveur Giannoni (University of Corsica, France), Yasuo Ohe (Chiba University, Japan), Sylvain Petit (University of French Polynesia and University of Valenciennes, France), Nicolas Peypoch (University of Perpignan, France), Andrea Saayman (North-West University, South Africa) Bernardin Solonandrasana (University of Perpignan, France).

Publication: Selected papers from papers presented at QATEM 2018 will be published as ‘Special Focus’ in Tourism Economics.

Registration fees: The workshop fee includes welcome drink, conference registration, coffee-breaks, lunch and official dinner. Standard fee: 200 Euro, PhD student fee: 120 Euro

Submission guideline: Authors are requested to submit an electronic copy of their manuscript (full paper or extended abstract) with pdf file by email. Submissions should be addressed to and

For submission guidelines please follow the link of Tourism Economics, submission guidelines:

More information at
Workshop Organizer: Sylvain Petit (University of French Polynesia) and Nicolas Peypoch (University of Perpignan)
Local Contact: Sylvain Petit; E-mail:; Tel : (+689) 40-86-64-32 or 87-79-32-40 (GMT -10:00)
Sylvain PETIT
Maître de conférences en Sciences économiques
Tél.: (+689) (+689) 40 86 64 32  ou 87-79-32-40 (GMT -10:00) –
B.P. 6570 - 98702 Faa’a - Tahiti - Polynésie française

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